Tuesday 24 December 2013

Cara Daftar Chitika Di Bloger

Cara Daftar Chitika Di Blogger

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara mendaftar chitika publisher pada blogger, siapkan sebatang rokok dan secangkir kopi supaya agan bisa mendaftarkannya dengan baik dan benar.

berikut cara mendaftafkannya :

  1. Buka situs layanan tempat pendaftaran chitika klik disini
  2. Lalu akan muncul form seperti di seperti ini  
  3. Setelah form diatas sudah terisi dengan benar, maka anda harus membuka dan mengecek inbox email anda,,
  4. Setelah anda mengisi data dengan tepat dan benar maka ada pemberitahuan email sebagai berikut :


Work Less. Earn More.
Our ads integrate seamlessly with your content.
Become relevant to someone’s life.
And maximize your revenue.


Over the last few months we’ve been working on some major improvements to our smart ad and targeting technology, especially for mobile. These new features have helped increase some publisher revenue by over 3X.

To celebrate these improvements and the holiday season we’re going to DOUBLE YOUR EARNINGS!

All you have to do is copy and paste the personalized code below to your site by December 22nd, and we will pay you 2X the revenue you earn up to $100! That means if you earn $80, we will add $80 to your account. It’s the easiest way to earn some extra holiday cash.

DON'T WAIT -- we’re only doubling revenue for publishers who add this code by December 22nd!

Have questions? Contact support@chitika.com.

Happy Holidays!

- The Chitika Team
Get Started:

<script type="text/javascript">
( function() {
if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; };
var unit = {"publisher":"sawir"," width":300,"height":250,"sid": "double revenue"};
var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length;
window.CHITIKA.units.push( unit);
document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBlock-' + placement_id + '"></div>');
var s = document.createElement(' script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = 'http://scripts.chitika.net/ getads.js';
try { document.getElementsByTagName( 'head')[0].appendChild(s); } catch(e) { document.write(s.outerHTML); }